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Framingham teeth whitening brightens smiles after braces

October 4, 2015

Filed under: Cosmetic Dentistry — gaitsgory @ 10:46 pm

 Framingham teeth whitening Wearing braces can cause staining of tooth enamel. Learn how teeth whitening from Framingham dentist, Marianna Gaitsgory DMD, brightens smiles.

Orthodontic patients eagerly await the day their treatment is complete, and braces come off. Often, dark, bracket-shaped lines remain on tooth surfaces, however, fspoiling the look of newly aligned smiles. At Framingham Premier Dental,  Dr. Marianna Gaitsgory DMD offers effective and safe teeth whitening solutions.

Brightening smiles after braces

Typically, those dark lines are biofilm–plaque and tartar accumulated around the brackets and wires of traditional braces. Even with the best of oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment, some patients are disappointed to see these lines stain their enamel.

Dr. Gaitsgory offers both in-office and at-home teeth whitening solutions to remove those disconcerting dark lines and give patients smiles that are whiter by 8 or more shades of color.

Here’s how whitening works.

In-office Framingham teeth whitening

Patients with healthy teeth, free of restorations and decay, make great candidates for professional teeth whitening. Delivered in custom-fit whitening trays or as a swabbed on gel or varnish, depending on the system, in-office teeth whitening powers out stains left from:

  • smoking
  • aging
  • dark foods such as blueberries and soy sauce
  • dark beverages such as coffee, black tea and colas
  • acidic foods such as tomato sauce
  • antibiotics
  • root canal therapy

The procedure is simple, comfortable and done in about an hour right in Dr. Gaitsgory’s treatment room. The hygienist or dental assistant carefully protects teeth gums and soft tissues of the mouth with a special rubber dam and then applies the highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide to tooth surfaces. As the patient comfortably relaxes in the dental chair, the whitening chemicals seep into tooth enamel and lift out stains. The procedure leaves some minor tooth sensitivity which quickly resolves.

At-home Framingham teeth whitening

At-home whitening is another popular cosmetic dental service that safely achieves excellent results. Done in the privacy of the patient’s home, this teeth whitening option progresses more slowly as the individual wears custom-made whitening trays filled with whitening gel for a prescribed period of time daily for about 2 weeks. This method is also alleviates stains from braces, foods and other common causes of discoloration.

Both in-office and at-home whitening results can last for up to 2 years with:

  • daily brushing with a quality toothpaste
  • daily flossing
  • routine check-ups and professional cleaning with your dentist in Framingham
  • periodic at-home touch-ups with materials provided by Dr. Gaitsgory
  • avoidance of smoking
  • limiting of staining foods and drinks

Enjoy a sparkling smile

Ready to fully enjoy your newly straightened smile? You can put a shine on your teeth with professional teeth whitening from Framingham Premier Dental. Efficient, convenient and best of all, effective, Framingham teeth whitening satisfies the orthodontic patient’s desire for perfect pearly whites. Contact Framingham Premier Dental today to learn more about this cosmetic dental service and the many others offered. Great aesthetics fully complement a healthy smile maintained by at-home hygiene and modern preventive dentistry.

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