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When Should I Replace My Toothbrush?

August 14, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — gaitsgory @ 7:54 pm

ToothbrushesIf you maintain a good dental hygiene routine, that means that you are using your toothbrush all the time! That is great news for your smile, but how do you know when it’s time for a new one? Most people don’t know the correct amount of time before they should be replacing their toothbrush. Read on to learn from your dentist about the consequences of using an old toothbrush, how you can get the most out of this dental tool, and when you should get a new one from your local drug store.


5 Tips and Tricks for Healthy Summer Smiles for the Whole Family

July 21, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — gaitsgory @ 2:41 am

Family smilingSummer is here! This means that the kids have finally finished their schoolwork and you may even have some fun activities planned for you and your family. Whether that consists of a big trip or just relaxing in the backyard, your family’s smiles should not be forgotten. Your family dentist in Framingham shares some tips and tricks to help avoid dental emergencies and maintain healthy teeth.


8 Practical & Effective Tips to Care for Your New Dentures

June 17, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — gaitsgory @ 12:41 am

Man holding dentures gives thumbs up to denture care tipsCongratulations on your newly completed smile! A denture is a tried and true method for quickly replacing missing teeth and regaining a full set of pearly whites. They may not be a permanent solution like dental implants, but you can easily expect them to last at least a decade if you care for them properly. Extend the lifespan of your new smile with these eight easy and effective denture care tips.


5 Surprising Facts About Invisalign You Would Never Guess

February 14, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — gaitsgory @ 12:21 am

Woman putting in Invisalign in Framingham alignerHave you always wanted a straighter, more attractive smile but cannot stand the thought of wearing metal braces? Good news – you do not have to! Invisalign in Framingham can straighten your teeth without any of the unsightly brackets and wires. You may have heard about the modern alternative to metal braces, but how much do you really know about Invisalign? Let’s find out! Here are 5 interesting facts about Invisalign clear braces that may surprise you.


Two Ways to Achieve the Smile of Your Dreams in 2020!

December 10, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — gaitsgory @ 3:40 pm

attractive young woman inserting invisalignYes, you’ve probably heard it already, but why not reiterate the cliché that 2020 is supposed to be the year of clear vision (as in 20/20 eyesight). As cheesy as that may read, when it comes to taking action about improving your smile, you need to have clear and concise methods to deliver the results you’re looking for. As you continue reading, you’ll discover how Invisalign in Framingham and porcelain veneers can lead you to the land of smile perfection and heightened confidence!


Revitalize Your Appearance During the Holidays With BOTOX®

November 19, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — gaitsgory @ 1:47 pm

friends at a part for the new yearDo you wish the lines and wrinkles on your face could be erased and you could start the holidays with a refreshed and youthful appearance? With BOTOX, you can! They’re a great cosmetic solution that takes only a few minutes to administer, revealing beautiful results in only a few days. The holidays are a time to be grateful for what you have. Without being self-conscious of your aging appearance, you’ll be able to sit back and enjoy spending time with your family and friends while soaking up the holiday spirit. Read on to learn what BOTOX injections can do for you this season. (more…)

Learn About the Great Reasons To See a Dentist For Botox and Fillers!

October 14, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — gaitsgory @ 10:38 pm

Woman with a beautiful smileThere’s no question that aging comes with certain perks like more success and self-confidence. On the other hand, there are not-so-charming side effects to contend with like wrinkles and a loss of facial volume. Fortunately, we live in a time where we have safe, reliable ways to correct these issues such as Botox and fillers, both of which have been used for many years. And while you may have thought your only option for these services was a plastic surgeon, dentists are also in a great position to use these treatments for both cosmetic and therapeutic benefits. Learn more below about why a dentist with the right training is so well-qualified to give you fantastic results from Botox and fillers.


4 Things to Know Before Getting Porcelain Veneers

September 17, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — gaitsgory @ 2:50 pm

model of porcelain veneersDoes your smile suffer from several cosmetic flaws? The first things that most people notice about you are your teeth and confidence. With an embarrassing, damaged mouth, you may feel more comfortable hiding it behind your hand rather than letting it shine. That can make you appear less approachable and genuine to some people, even though that’s not how you mean to come off. Porcelain veneers are a great cosmetic solution that can fix a wide variety of imperfections. However, it’s not the right choice for everybody. Most people are curious about how easy they are to keep up with, whether they look natural, or how veneers affect your teeth. Read on for four things you should know before you dedicate your time and money to this dental treatment. (more…)

Does My Dental Insurance Cover Cosmetic Dentistry?

August 12, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — gaitsgory @ 6:03 pm

A closeup of a smile.

If you’re interested in cosmetic dentistry, you might be worried about whether or not you’ll be able to afford it. If you haven’t used your dental insurance in the past, you’re probably unsure if your cosmetic treatments are covered. You might not know what is classified as cosmetic dentistry or not. If you’re wondering what is considered cosmetic dental work, you’ll want to keep reading. Below, we’ll discuss what treatments are covered by insurance, what aren’t, and how you can maximize your coverage.


5 Ways Your Cosmetic Dentist in Framingham Can Meet Your Smile Needs

July 22, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 6:56 pm

woman pointing to her white smile

Your smile is often one of the first things that people notice about you. You only get one chance to make a good first impression, so why not have that impression be one with a beautiful smile? Studies have shown that people with great smiles are perceived as more attractive, wealthy, and confident. Let’s look at 5 ways your cosmetic dentist in Framingham can enhance your smile.


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